Dominican Delight

Crafting a Memorable Family Vacation

Puerto Playa Beach

Introduction: Inviting Families to the Dominican Paradise

Welcome to the ultimate guide for families seeking a memorable vacation in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Join me as we dive into the strategies and tips for planning an unforgettable family getaway that caters to every member’s preferences.

Beach Bliss in the Dominican Republic

  1. I have taken my family on four trips to the Domincan Republic. I have learned so much since our first trip. A good family vacation starts with a good place to stay. We have found our place! It is a private villa in Puerto Plata. It is nothing short of spectacular! It’s so much better to have the pool and facilities to yourself. Read all about it my other post.
  2. Domincan Republic is a very family friendly place to visit. I know you hear about a lot of partying but there is so much for familes to do too.
Villa De Sirenas Puerto Plata

Planning and Preparation Strategies

  • I start planning a year in advance. This gives me time to make a budget and research excursions.
  • Plan everything with step-by-step booking: From villas to flights, making your family’s vacation dreams a reality

Packing Smart for Family Trips

  • Airlines are stricter and stricter now with luggage. Most don’t even allow carryons. Luckily you don’t need much for a beach vacation. We have all learned to fit most our things in a backpack which counts as a personal item if it is not over stuffed.
  • The Two-Suitcase Trick: This is what we do for the extras that don’t fit in our bacpacks and we get to bring full size bottles of shampoo. We put a carryon in a full size suitcase. This allows us to have an extra suitcase for all our goodies we buy! We only pay for one checked bag. Just make sure you’re underweight.
  • Clever Carry-On Hack: Maximizing Carry-On Allowance for Extra Space. If we do buy a lot and need to separate those suitcases, we don’t pay for a checked bag. Instead, I pay for a seat with extra legroom. On Jet Blue these seats allow a carryon for no extra charge. Even better, pick that seat in an emergency aisle if you’re willing to help others. You might get lucky and get the whole family to sit with you like us!

Activities and Entertainment for All Ages

  • Villa Adventures: Exploring Activity Options with the Villa’s Activity Manager. They have so many options.
  • Balancing Adult and Child-Centric Activities: The Perfect Blend of Fun for Everyone. You can do things all together or split up to cater to everyone’s wants.

Ensuring Safety, Health, and Convenience

  • Booking in Advance: Minimizing Last-Minute Plans for Safety and Comfort. I am a planner! I want to know everything ahead. How we’re getting everywhere and how much everything will cost.
  • Health Tips: I like to bring supplements. We use Zycam swabs before and after the trip for an immune boost. We use probiotics every day to protect against bacteria.

Family Bonding and Creating Lasting Memories

  • Cherishing Family Time: I may be old fashioned, but I insist on family style meals on vacation. Every meal, every day! It adds so much more to the trip. We laugh about all the things that happened and plan more things.
  • Capturing moments: The importance of taking photos to preserve memories! We have so many photos of our different trips. It’s so fun to go through them together!
Family Style Meals

Post-Vacation Routines for a Smooth Return

  • The Early Flight Advantage: Easing Back into Daily Life with Extra Time for Rest
  • Coming Home on a Saturday: Additional Day for Recharging and Transitioning Back to Routine

Conclusion: Embracing the Magic of Family Travel

Embark on your family adventure to the Dominican Republic armed with these tips and insights. Whether it’s exploring the beaches, enjoying villa life, or creating lasting memories, make the most of your vacation and cherish every moment with your loved ones.

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Elisa Irvolino

Hi! I am Elisa Irvolino and I’m thrilled to welcome you to my little corner of the Internet—a space where I share my passion for creating a home that reflects my unique style and embraces a lifestyle that brings joy, comfort, and inspiration.