How To Season All Your Cooking with Dominican Sazón

Holá Saboristas! You ever wonder what makes a some of the same foods tastes better than others? Dominicans call that Sazón! Or you can say Garlic Paste. We make Domincan

Dominican Delight

Crafting a Memorable Family Vacation Introduction: Inviting Families to the Dominican Paradise Welcome to the ultimate guide for families seeking a memorable vacation in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Join me

How To Make Dominican Hot Chocolate, Sunday yumminess!

Sunday’s are Dominican day in this house! It’s my day to cook for my family and meal prep for the week. If you ask my granddaughter, the best way to

Tres Golpes AKA Dominican Breakfast

Dominican Breakfast in my house! Christmas day means Dominican breakfast in this house! In my family we celebrate Christmas Eve. So Christmas day is typically a lounging day. It’s the